TEX keeps track of a number of internal variables and will cease processing a file should the allocated maximum usage be exceeded. When is being used extensively the most common TEX capacity exceeded messages will be:
Save-Stack: Likely cause is that variables were passed both locally and
globally between subroutines too many times. Check that global precedes
all assignment statements, arithmetic operations (except negate ) and
so forth. In the above LIS file example 280 out of 600 S-stack (save stack)
positions were used.
P-Stack: Your macro definitions have exceeded the maximum total
number of arguments permitted.
This, and the above error, could be caused by a recursive definition gone awry.
In the above example 53 out of 60 P-Stack positions were used.
! No room for a new count.: You have defined too many numerical
counters via the newcount or newcounter command. Between them TEX,
LATEX, and , may use up to 218 out of 234 available counters. Try to
re-use old variables, the Xone...Yeight available for the user or use
some dimen counters where possible.
Typically the last few lines in your LIS file will look like:
\OOO=\count234 ! No room for a new \count . \ch@ck ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3} \fi \alloc@ ...\advance \count 1#1by\@ne \ch@ck #1#4#2 \allocationnumber =\count ... l.36 \newcount\PPPfollowed by a synopsis of TEX's memory usage.
Multi-letter Control Sequences: Probably too many macro def's
defined. Many such errors will occur if you attempt to input
more than once.